I’m a big fan of the SBSettings application for jailbroken iDevices (Available via the BigBoss repo on Cydia). After upgrading to firmware version 4.0.1 (using jailbreakme.com) and installing SBSettings via cydia, each time the installation completed and I clicked the respring button, the springboard would just crash and I would end up in safe mode. In my case, the problem was that some of the old toggles for SBSettings had been brought over in my iPhone backup. The solution was to SSH into my iPhone 3Gs, navigate to /var/mobile/Library/SBSettings/Toggles, then type ls -l to list all of the available toggles (with the dates they were added). The majority of them will be listed as a single date (the date which you installed SBSettings last), in my case it was “Aug 21”. Remove all folders which do not have this date (they were Toggles which were probably only designed for firmware 3.x, so were crashing 4.x in my case). I removed UAFaker, Rotation, EDGE, Push and Tether; I never used the EDGE, Push or Tether toggles anyway, so it was no big deal for me.
I hope that this helps someone. If you have any comments, suggestions or just want to say thanks (:-)), please leave a message below 🙂
As usual, I accept no responsibility for any damages caused, do it at your own risk. I’ve performed this on my own iPhone 3Gs on iOS4.0.1 and it worked, this is no guarantee for any other hardware/firmware combination (although it should work)!
August 29th, 2010 at 8:10 pm
hi ben,
YES, this thread helped me a lot indeed!
i went nearly crazy when sbsettings installation didn’t succeed after upgrading to ios4.
after following your instructions step by step it worked again:-)
hopefully all of the sbsettings toggles will be combatible soon with ios4!
thx a lot for publishing this thread!
August 30th, 2010 at 1:18 am
Hi Felix,
I’m glad that it helped you out 🙂 It will be good when more toggles become compatible. I’m still finding the current ones a bit buggy (especially the “Phone” one).
September 2nd, 2010 at 8:34 pm
I’ve been wondering why ‘Poof’ doesn’t work on my iPhone.
I can’t seem to use anything to hide apps, including SBSettings.
any advice on manually hiding apps?
September 2nd, 2010 at 8:41 pm
Hi Dante,
If you don’t mind hiding/un-hiding them via a PC, then this should do you http://blog.alltechrelated.com/2009/05/21/how-to-manually-hide-apps-without-poof-or-customize/
I think that hidden apps still appear in the SBSettings “Dock”, so you could add them there if you still wanted quick access.
Poof seems to be working on my iPhone, but I’ve not extensively tested it.
September 13th, 2010 at 2:56 am
OMG Thank you! Every since ios4 came out and I upg my 3gs, i’ve been having the same problem and couldn’t find anything online anywhere! I tried a different search tonight and found your post! It worked perfectly for me! Thank you for posting!!!