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Instinctiv Shuffle Returning to iPhone Soon!

28. June 2010


Let’s start with the basics. What do Instinctiv do, and what is Instinctiv Shuffle? As explained by Peter Brodsky ( The developer of the Instinctiv Shuffle ) Instinctiv shuffle analyzes what songs you’re skipping and decides what songs to play next. We figure out what you’re in the mood for right now, what songs you […]

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Using .htaccess to Allow Access to Authorized IPs or Authenticated Users

19. June 2010


Firstly, my apologies for the shocking title. It’s the best I could come up with though (If you can think of something that summarises this better please let me know :-)). I’ve been asked about this on quite a few occasions now, the last one being PC-Mike over on the WHMCS forums; The question being “Is it […]

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Installing GlobalSign SSL Certificate on cPanel Server

10. May 2010


Every time I have to install a GlobalSign SSL Certificate, I always find myself referring to notes that I wrote when I first had to install one. I thought that it may be a good idea to post the process here for mine and anyone else’s reference. The aim of this post is to guide you from […]

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Issues with Windows 7 on Acer Aspire 6920G Solved

3. January 2010


I have spent the last few hours wiping Vista off my laptop and installing Windows 7 on it. I’ve run into a number of issues while re-setting everything up on Windows 7 and I have decided to share the solutions here in the hope that is will save someone some time! Luckily after installing Windows […]

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My top 14 favourite iPhone apps

8. December 2009


A few months ago, I decided to get the new iPhone 3G S. Having upgraded to it from the original iPhone 2G, you can really see the difference in performance in applications between the two phones. Some of the games which didn’t run too well on the old iPhone work really well on the new […]

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Google Wave

8. December 2009


I’ve been playing around with Google wave for the past few weeks, and I just thought that I would share my thoughts on it. I guess my first impression of it was something along the lines of.. well.. total utter confusion really, its such a mashup of so many different things that it’s really quite […]

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Sending authenticated mail with PHP

3. September 2009

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Over the past few years, I have seen many hosting companies greatly improve their security from a mail sending perspective. The technique which I see used most commonly; and seems to cause the most problems is the host preventing the “nobody” user from sending mail to remote addresses. This tends to cause issues with users […]

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Gmail Webmail Down!

1. September 2009


Is it just me or has anyone else realised that they cannot access their Gmail WebMail?

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Tracking down spamming scripts (CGI)

31. August 2009


Over the past week I have taken on the task of tracking down and stopping the source of a large number of SPAM emails which had been sent from a server that I was working on. I had gone through the usual notions of going through a few of the SPAM mail headers to no […]

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Use your own SMTP server with Gmail and Custom From Address’s

28. August 2009


I have just discovered that you can use your own SMTP server for individual custom from addresses in Gmail. I guess the main question is why would you want to do it?

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